Prader-Willi syndrome that Make Boy Could not Stop Eating

If not properly controlled, a boy who just turned 2 years old can take any object. It can even spend the wedding cake of three levels alone. Rare genetic disorder Prader-Willi Syndrome makes this boy can not stop eating because they always feel hungry.

Alfie Mazeika (2 years) who runs his own hunger to leave his parents and three-tier wedding cake to eat that would be presented at the wedding reception.

Her parents did, Norma (45 years) and Kevin (51 years), should replace the cake which is scheduled to be presented to approximately 100 guests for dessert at a club in Durham.

"That moment in our friend's wedding. He walked alone and out of our control. We all look for him and found him sitting stuffing himself with cake. Either how he climbed into the chair, he is actually destroying the cake. I can not do nothing but laugh, because although he's naughty but she does not understand, "said Norma, Alfie's mother who came from Halifax, West Yorkshire, as reported by Dailymail, Tuesday (27/12/2011).

Not surprisingly, little Alfie could spend so much food. He suffered from a rare condition called Prader-Willi syndrome, which made him feel constantly hungry and insatiable lust of food because the brain is unable to recognize that the stomach is full.

Prader-Willi syndrome or Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic disorder that affects 1 in 25,000 children. This syndrome is usually associated with chromosome 15 and gene OCA2. Children with this syndrome will be born with sickly, have a weak muscle control and body weight is below normal at first.

This condition can cause cognitive difficulties and behavioral disorders, weight problems, problems in controlling anger and difficulty in socializing.

Because of this condition, both parents must be careful monitoring of food intake including the kitchen cabinets should be locked. Parents also have to watch him, because if there was no food this little boy could even eat himself.


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