Men who Have Sex Sweat Smelling Rot Disease

Although male genitals covered illness but the smell of sweat that can signal raised the sick man's genitals. Underarm sweat of men who suffer from gonorrhea (gonorrhea) more foul smelling than the sweat of men who are not infected with gonorrhea.

In the Journal of Sexual Medicine, described women assess male sweat of infected men are less comfortable than a healthy sweat. The women also said that about 50 percent of men who suffer from gonorrhea have foul-smelling sweat.

Researchers speculate that the man's immune system may be involved because there is a relationship between the concentration of antibodies in saliva of men with what the smell of male sweat as comfortable for women.

Antibodies are proteins that function to fight disease. The higher the concentration of antibody, the lower the score the smell of male sweat comfort.

"Our research shows that reducing the attractiveness of infectious diseases in humans. We can conclude that the body of an unpleasant odor from an infected person can reduce the likelihood of the risk of a dangerous relationship," said Mikhail Moshkin, professor at the Institute of cytology and Genetics in Novosibirsk, Russia , bleak reported on Monday (12/12/2011).

This research was conducted by collecting sweat from armpit 34 Russian men aged 17-25 years. There are 13 men who had gonorrhea, 16 healthy people, and 5 people have had gonorrhea and now but recovered.

The men wore T-shirts with cotton pads in the armpits for an hour, then placed cotton pads in glass bottles. The researchers asked 18 healthy young women to sniff bottles and assess the level of odor with the scale of 10 points.

Higher scores indicate a more pleasant odor. The women were also asked to select from a list of words to describe it smelled like a bad smell, fragrance, vegetable smell, the smell of trees, smell the smell of mint and fruit.


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