In August 2011 last example quoted atlnightspots, a boy aged 16 years in Rubiato, Brazil died after making 42 times masturbate without stopping. Her parents already know that her son has an addiction and plans to take him to the doctor, but unfortunately it was too late.
Teenagers are known to start masturbating in the middle of the night and do it by compulsion (constantly). Even in his room was found a large collection of pornography, including photographs and videos of women.
Events experienced by these youth, including rare, but to masturbate up to 42 times a night course, already in a position that the physical and psychological harm done.
There is also the case of a man who was not identified died while masturbating with sex methods that limit the intake of oxygen to the brain (autoerotic asphyxiation). He purposely feel shortness of breath during masturbation to increase pleasure and create a euphoria.
How much masturbation is permissible depends on the condition of a person's body. But advised the man to masturbate 2-3 times a week maximum. This frequency could be as long as these men learn how to orgasm without ejaculation.
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