November, December, January Month Favorites for Children

Plan to have children may at any time. But many people who voted in November, December and January to diligently make love to be able to have children.

Surveys conducted the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, 2010, three months is to be a top choice for couples planning to have children.

Admittedly the survey was that everyone had a favorite month for the plan to have children, but based on the birth rate which is then pulled back, turned out to 3 months is most often planned to have children.

In these months, in the western hemisphere is experiencing winter. But the survey was not able to draw conclusions why in the months that people are more often thought to have kids.

"It's not all people have the same favorite month to have a child but is mostly based on data delivery rates. It could be during the summer break people prefer to use a condom when having sex," explained a survey conducted in 2010 were as reported from Menshealth, Wednesday ( 12/14/2011).

The survey, conducted by researchers from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University on 238 people who are married is found that the frequency of sexual activity became a significant predictor of happiness between the couple.

During this time there are some people who believe that pregnancy can happen at any time, because whenever the couple was having sex then women can become pregnant immediately.

And to get pregnant, the couple should have sex before ovulating women (fertile period) and 2-3 days before ovulation are the days of the most fertile.

To determine ovulation (fertile period), the most frequently used is to use a calendar system. For those who have regular menstrual cycles of fertile period lasts at day 14 - / + 1 until the day of the next menstrual period, meaning that occurred on days 13-15 before the date of the next menstruation. The first day your period is calculated as the day-to-1.

For those with irregular cycles, first calculate the length of the cycle for 6 months in a row to get the longest and shortest cycles. The longest cycle minus 11, while the shortest cycle minus 18 and obtained the fertile period. Suppose the longest cycle and shortest cycle 30 26, the calculation is (30-11 = 21) and (26-18 = 8) fertile period lasts from day 8 to day 21.

Other available methods to predict when the fertile time someone such as using a special tool (kit) to measure ovulation, basal body temperature check and see cervical mucus (usually more cervical mucus before ovulation).

In this survey are also known to almost 60 percent of participants who engage in sexual activities more than once a month admitted to feeling very satisfied with her marriage and happier, compared with 40 percent fewer people who engage in sexual activity because they were busy.

Here are the results of other surveys of sexual behavior in 2010, namely:
1. Approximately 90 percent of men having sex, women are 86 percent
2. Approximately 27 percent of men had had oral sex, while women 19 percent
3. Approximately 23 percent of men brought pornographic videos or films, while women 11 percent
4. About 10 percent of men engaging in anal sex, whereas females 9 percent
5. More than 80 percent (18-49 years) men to masturbate
6. More than 60 percent of women (aged 18-49 years) to masturbate
7. 18-29 years of age to have sex as much as 112 times per year
8. 30-39 years of age to have sex as much as 86 times per year
9. 40-49 years of age to have sex as much as 69 times per year
10. About 85 percent of the men could reach climax during sex, while only 64 percent of women.


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