Thyroid Gland Abnormalities Due to Lack of Iodine

Iodine is essential in the production of thyroid hormones. But people in the highlands at risk of iodine deficiency in the area because the soil contains little iodine. Beware of health disorders caused by iodine deficiency and thyroid gland disorders.

"Iodine in through food and beverages that depend on native soil, upland soil usually contains less iodine," said Prof. Dr. Dr. Sri Hartini Kariadi KS, SpPD-KEMD, in a media seminar Beware of health disorders caused by abnormalities in the thyroid gland, at Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday (12/13/2011).

Iodine can be obtained from foods such as vegetables all depends on the soil and also from the air. If the iodine in the soil a little bit as well so it intakes.

Prof. Sri revealed iodine is the raw material to produce thyroid hormone. Synthesis and secretion of hormones T3 and T4 is regulated by the hormone TSH. Hormones T3 and T4 serves regulate body temperature, bowel movements, heart rate, muscle strength and fat metabolism.

During this time people know the deficiency of iodine can cause goiter or cretins, but it was not only due to iodine deficiency can also reduce the intellectual capacity and mental retardation.

"At an early age these hormones are very beneficial for the growth and development of intelligence, if the deficiency at an early age the child will seem silly and midget," said Prof. Sri incorporated in PERKENI (Society of Endocrinology premises).

Prof. Sri explained if 50-10 percent of the population in an area having the mumps, then the condition is called endemic goiter. Usually the land is less mountainous areas contain iodine.

If the body lacks iodine, the thyroid gland to work harder to meet the need for thyroid hormone, the condition is triggered or enlargement of the thyroid gland called goiter.

If the effort is the need of thyroid hormone can be met then there is no interference with thyroid function. However, if the requirement is not met then there might be accompanied by goiter and hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency).

Screening is an effort to find people with iodine deficiency are asymptomatic, while the provision of iodized salt is the most inexpensive and easy measures to prevent iodine deficiency.

Even so iodine intake is too much or excess can also cause impact to the body, such as causing goitre. This is because it inhibits the expenditure (secretion) of thyroid hormone.


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