Plus Minus Woman Who Becomes Donor egg

imgDonating eggs effort to mempantu couples who are unable to have offspring. In return for their time and sacrifice, donors often receive some money. Not only to help couples who are less fortunate, also donated eggs for research purposes.

However, some parties are still questioning the health risks for the donor. Unlike in western countries, overt advertisements seeking egg donors almost never found in Indonesia.

Nevertheless, women who intend to donate their eggs should need to know the benefits and risks of donating eggs.

Here are the benefits and risks for women who become egg donors, as quoted from, Wednesday (12/21/2011):

How long does the process take?

Extraction of eggs from the donor only takes 20-30 minutes, but a large amount of time invested before the egg retrieval is often called the 'harvest'.

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is given to the donor a few weeks before the procedure, along with the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin 36 h before harvest to produce more eggs or "oocytes". Injections of this hormone serves to maximize the number of eggs available.

Harvesting procedure is relatively short. A physician or surgeon inserts an ultrasound probe is equipped with vacuum capabilities into the vagina and removing the fluid around the follicle in the hope of reaching the egg from each follicle. Psychological evaluation performed in an attempt to predict the response of post-harvest donor.

Is this donation process painful? And how many eggs are retrieved?

The procedure is usually painless, but requires an additional 1-2 days in the hospital afterward to relieve cramps and discomfort. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can also occur due to a given fertility drugs cause a lot of mature egg cells, because without these medications, there will be only one egg is available for harvest.


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