Banner: All People Have Nyimeng, I'm sure SBY also

Marijuana or pot is legendary among students, as anyone who ever college would ever suck. Presenter banner Pragiwaksono claimed to have nyimeng, even convinced President SBY also been nyimeng!

"Never mind me, Obama just claimed to have nyimeng. In fact, I believe, SBY must also have nyimeng," he said when asked if the banner had smoked marijuana, after the launch of the book in Scholastic Tale Matraman Ganja Tree, Wednesday (12/07/2011).

Concerning the effects of marijuana, agreed with the organization's banner Marijuana Ring archipelago that marijuana is not as dangerous as alcohol or other illicit substances. Several studies have refuted the claim that marijuana damages the brain, even the chemical content can be used as a drug.

Even compared with tobacco, marijuana banner rate as the plant is much more useful. Hemp fiber could be a textile raw materials and rope and most importantly, do not trigger a variety of deadly diseases such as cigarettes.

"People nyimeng a day how much is, at best 3-rolled," said the banner refers to hand-rolled marijuana is relatively small, averaging less than one-third the size of hand-rolled tobacco cigarette.

Banner also more receptive if his son, who was a toddler Dipo later went along with smoke marijuana than if the child is smoking. Of course, with a note, if it's really the future of marijuana be legalized.

"Instead of smoking, cannabis is better. Cigarettes smoked die making, if marijuana is at best make a laugh," said the banner adds that nevertheless do not want to be called as a user of marijuana.

If used properly, banner assess the cannabis plant can help perncapaian Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in relation to poverty. It guarantees, poverty could be reduced if marijuana was legalized and free farmers to grow hemp.


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