Some ways you can do to prevent baldness like-quoted from FoxNewsHealth, Thursday (12/22/2011), among others:
1. Eat more fish
Fish is not only rich in protein and minerals, but also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Both of these nutrients have been linked to preventing hair loss in chemotherapy patients.
2. Maintaining levels of iron
Iron deficiency anemia is more common in women. Iron deficiency anemia is a known cause of hair loss. But perhaps many people do not realize that iron deficiency often causes hair loss. By adding some iron-rich foods into the daily diet can prevent hair loss.
Iron-rich foods, like spinach, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, or tofu. These foods are especially important for vegetarians if you're doing the prevention of hair loss. Because it can be more difficult to get enough iron when it should avoid red meat or eggs.
3. Sufficient for vitamin B
Vitamin B, such as biotin, folate, B2, and B12 are also important for hair growth. Some types of vitamin B, such as biotin, essential medical care prescribed together to treat hair loss. If a nutritional deficiency of vitamin B or whatever, then consult your doctor.
4. Managing stress
At one time, about 85 percent of hair on the head in a phase of development, while 15 percent are in the final stages of death. Certain stressful events may actually result in changes in natural cycles, which cause as many as 30-40 percent of the hair to start to die. The results at 3 months later, saw an increase in hair loss. Prolonged stress or chronic stress can cause hair loss.
5. Read the labels of prescription drugs consumed
Most men know that chemotherapy can cause hair loss. But most do not realize that there are many prescription drugs can also cause hair loss. Blood thinners such as warfarin, rheumatic drugs, and psychiatric drugs such as lithium are just some examples of prescription drugs that can cause hair loss. Be sure to read the labels of all prescription drugs before taking the drug.
6. Take care of personal hygiene
Although not a direct cause of hair loss, but the lack of personal hygiene can cause fungal infections of the scalp, such as tinea capitis causes hair loss. By keeping the scalp and hair is always clean through regular shampooing, it will prevent yeast infections and help prevent baldness. However, shampooing too often can also damage the sebaceous glands of the scalp that make sebum, which naturally moisturizes the hair and skin.
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