Canadian study found that nearly 1 in 12 people said they had sexual activity while sleeping, three-quarters were male. Sexual activity that occurs during sleep can range from masturbation to a physical relationship.
Researchers interviewed 832 patients suspected of suffering from disorders such as sleep. A total of 428 men and 404 women had been referred to the clinic and asked to fill out questionnaires about symptoms, fatigue, mood and behavior during sleep.
The study, presented at the annual conference of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies in San Antonio, Texas, found that more than 1 in 10 men and 4% of female respondents admitted to having 'sex sleep' (sexsomnia).
Dr. Sharon Chung, scientists from the University Health Network, said that people generally do not remember who had been doing the activity.
"We were surprised at how often it happens. We think the only experienced a handful of people, but in fact nearly one in 12 people. In the meantime, our findings suggest as many as 8% of people who reported sexsomnia is already a large number. And it must be stressed that we only studied patients referred to the clinic, "said Dr.. Chung, who led the research.
"As long as not violating the law and as long as the couple does not mind, it's not a problem. Although it can cause fatigue the next day," added Dr. Chung as reported TheTelegraph, Friday (12/16/2011).
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