World's Smallest Baby Who Lived Up to Adult

At birth, these babies are the size no larger than the palm of the hands of adults and nearly impossible to survive. But medical science notes, some of the smallest babies in the world can live healthy into adulthood.

A recent study in the journal Pediatrics reveals, there were at least 2 people in the United States are born weighing less than 0.5 kg but can live well into adulthood. Both Madeline Mann was born in 1989 and new-born Rahman Rumaisa 7 years ago.

Madeline was born with a weight of only 0.28 kg, while Rumaisa holds the world record as the world's Smallest baby weighing only 0.26 kg at birth. Rumaisa now sitting in the 1st grade, while Madeline has become a student of psychology.

The size of these two girls at birth is described only by the palm of the hand, weighing not more than a can of fizzy drinks. Opportunity of his life said to be very small, so they just lucky to be able to grow normally into adulthood.

"There are some extreme cases, but can not be used for the benchmark for other infants in general," said Dr. Jonathan Muraskas of Loyola University who wrote the study, as quoted from Huffingtonpost, Monday (12/12/2011).

In his research, Dr. Muraskas estimates across the United States each year there are 7500 babies born weighing less than 0.5 kg. Of that number, only 10 percent who survive and grow well into adulthood.

Since 1989 when Madeline was born, Dr. Muraskas also reported that there were 2 cases of birth weight under a pound, or about 0.5 kg could survive. But in general, the life chances of babies born with this condition is equivalent to born prematurely at 18 weeks.

Madeline and Rumaisa was not born just months, but not that early though very low weight. Madeline was born on the 27th week of pregnancy, Rumaisa was born at 26 weeks, whereas generally the newborn during pregnancy enters its 40th week.



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