5 Treatment of Women who Make Men Stress

As reported by Cosmopolitan, here are five behaviors that women can make men stress. Know, and find out how to overcome them.

1. Save a Vengeance
According to a study published in the journal Psychological Science, men whose partners can overcome and forget about the fights feel more satisfied with life affair. Conversely, when women continue to bring up past mistakes every fight, even though the bug has been resolved, he will always feel depressed and not a portion.

When you and your spouse argue, just discuss the issue at that time, do not widen the conversation let alone a topic that is not related to the problems discussed. Avoid words like 'you always' or 'you never'.

2. Make Ultimatum
Research from Baylor University, Texas, United States found that the way people understand the emotions of their partner while arguing can affect the couple's feelings. When the he feels you are trying to show dominance (by being hostile, criticizing, blaming and controlling), he will regard it as a threat - that can trigger stress for him. Create an ultimatum (final demand) is one example that you are trying to dominate the relationship. The ultimatum would make him angry and felt helpless.

When arguing, explain how his actions affect your feelings. Say things like, 'I feel you do not concern me when ...,' or other sentence that makes him want to correct a mistake because he wants to, not because they have to.

3. Thousand Silent Language
In the same study, Baylor University also found that people can feel confused and upset when their partner away and being cold. Silencing him, would make him feel ignored, one of the triggers coming of stress.

If you're the type who must clear his mind before talking seriously to a partner, tell him that you need some time to calm down. Give him a clear time limit (15 minutes or one heart) when you can start talking again, and promise that you will soon discuss the issue until the limit is.

4. Raising Small Problems At The He's Tired
Men are much more vulnerable to the ups and downs of a relationship than women, according to research from Wake Forest University. This is because women are more easily express emotions in him. When stressed, he can easily talk with friends, while men prefer to keep their own problems. So when you mempersolakan simple things, he would prefer not to hear.

5. Too Passive
You probably already know, men do not like a lover who is too dependent on him. But women who are too cool can also make him stress and upset. Recent research revealed in the journal Psychological Science says, romance is more easily cracked if one partner is not committed in line with other couples. If he's always the first call or SMS, or just him who planned a date, you will be deemed not serious dating.


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