Tips For Success So the Women's 'Minister' in Household

The role of mother in the household is now not just take care of the home, children or husbands. In addition to earning a living part, women also play an important role in decisions concerning the family's interests.

In fact, according to research on women who reported 20first Indonesia, in modern times more women who determine the decision. For example, decide what type of car to buy, or live in areas where.

"Women today not only minding spending, but could it all. Maybe it's because more women are working, have an income so that more could voice his opinion," he said during a talk show psychologist Alexander Sriewijono 'Superwoman Rocks!' Sequislife held in Largo Cafe, Kemang, South Jakarta, Thursday (15/12/2011).

If compared, women today can act as a minister in the household. He can act as finance minister, the minister of state officials, ministers of religion to the interior minister.

How this can be attached to the term minister in the person of a mother and what can be done so that women could be ministers who successfully run the 'wheels of government' household? Alex shares his tips for you.

1. Happy with What He Do
Alex likens a woman who could become minister of women's household must be tough. In this context, tough not only has a high position or all-rounder. But being able to use what they have and do every day, so he was happy with his life. He could be a good inspiration for children, with all kebisaannya.

2. Know Yourself
I am a woman who like what? Can what? What do I want? Women who are able to answer all those questions, to say the tough woman. Not only refer to as a career woman, a mother and a wife. But what can be done in order to be like that.

3. Understanding the role
Ask yourself, what your roles and responsibilities in the family? Tujuian as well as what you want to achieve?

Not just thinking: 'I have a husband that I was the wife of' or 'I have kids, then I called the mother'. If so, then your status is important. While a minister in the household should know wants to be a wife or mother is like.

"How can he perform the role well? Women should have the tough decisions that balance between mind and feelings," explains Alex.

4. Responsible and Decisions Against Knowing that took
When a woman decides to quit her job at the request of the husband, if he is not necessarily strong woman? The answer, not necessarily. If he complied with the voluntary and carry out all work well, tough predicate any woman deserves her pinned.

"Women are not just tough to do many things, but know the reason behind every action. Just busy but can not be the meaning of life, it is wrong," explained Alex again.

5. Can Distinguish Between Wants and Needs
Desire is something that is envisaged to meet life satisfaction. While the need, is something that is necessary for survival.

According to Alex, most people do not question what they need. When something comes to mind, ask yourself again whether you really need? If the thought of doing or buying something based on the needs, wishes will be fulfilled automatically.


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