Create Passion At Increased Sex Kissing

Kissing is one fun activity to do and can make you and your partner closer. Kissing is also a most important phase before and during sex, because it can increase sexual arousal.

"The more often couples kissing, they are increasingly able to communicate more romantic or close," said Michael Christian, author of 'The Art of Kissing', as quoted by WebMD.

Why does kissing have a devastating effect on the fun and romance sex life? Apparently feeling of happiness and fun that involves many chemical and biological reactions that occur in the body when kissing.

When someone starts to kiss his beloved lips, lip nerves in the area so more senditif. This stimulation causes the nerves to send signals to the cortex in the brain to release neurotransmitters (endogenous organic compounds carry signals between neurons) such as dopamine, and phenylethylamine endorphine.

How do these hormones gives the sensation of fun and enjoyment, as well as what chemical reactions resulting from the intimate and intense kiss? This is the answer, as reported by eHarmony.

Dopamine, Endorphins & phenylethylamine
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible elicits feelings of pleasure and motivation to continue to engage in fun activities. Endorphin, believed to relieve pain in the body that also cause excessive pleasure.

While phenylethylamine, function affects mood and attention. When neurotransmitters are released throughout the body, will cause a sensation of happy, dizziness and euphoria. Not surprisingly, many who really enjoy the moment pasanga kissing.

Adrenal Glands
When kissing, adrenal glands - part of the endocrine system located above the kidneys - also stimulated. They are the signals that produce norepinephrine and epinephrine. These chemical compounds cause the heart beats faster, pupils dilate and blood flow to the muscles of the abdomen including the sexual organs (this is what makes humans horny while kissing).

With a passion that welled up, the area of ​​the hypothalamus be stimulated to produce hormones that increase testosterone production in the testes and ovaries, which also trigger sexual arousal. The more intense kissing, you were getting excited and continue to want it.

The hormone oxytocin also increases when people kissing. This hormone is believed to reduce stress. Together endorphin, oxytocin gives the feeling of happiness and mutual tied to married couples.

Pheromone is a chemical compound that contributes raises the interest between the two pairs of human beings. Human pheromone can usually be detected from the vomeronasal organ that lies between the nose and mouth.

Although no definitive research results, pheromones are known to transmit signals of sexual arousal and increase attraction between men and women. Makes you feel the warmth and closer than ever.


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