Look Procedures Prevent Pandemic Diseases

INDONESIA is expected to prepare for a pandemic infectious diseases. A simulation was held to look at the vanguard of readiness, including the port.

Ministry of Health recently held a simulated response responsive in dealing with victims of infectious diseases. Simulations performed with class 1 medical office Batam, the International Port Nongsapura, Batam, Riau Islands.

Tell a simulation scenario, which is known to have a passenger ship Singapore to Batam infectious disease cholera. So that disease does not infect healthy individuals, was performed in a procedural system. Here's the picture:

First of all, after getting reports there are passengers suffering from infectious diseases, the Office of the Port (Kanpel) Indonesia immediately to coordinate a team of Health Quarantine (Karse) for the alert.

Karse team immediately contact the concerned international ships to verify the truth of the news and to check the victim, such as complaints and a history of asking the victim before the boat trip to Indonesia.

Check the results then reported to the team Karse. Karse teams continue to report to the Head Karse to victims who contracted the news of this infectious disease can be readily identified and immediately acted upon by the Port Health Office (KKP) in Indonesia as a destination country.

Party NOA provides quarantine status for the international ships can be anchored to the quarantine zone. Furthermore, there will be a Rapid Response Team of the CTF which enable PHEIC Alert and contacted teams from across sectors, such as verification teams, evacuation teams, surveillance teams, sanitation teams, and team tents.

After the ship docked, the verification team up to bring Equipment Basic Equipment (PPE), equipment P3K, spraycane, and pampers for further investigation. If found that the victim suffered from cholera, examination report was sent to the Rapid Response Team (TGC) by radio monitors.

While the verification team to check, TGC team assembled to coordinate the handling and preparing all the necessary support equipment according to Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) that exist. Victims will be treated in a makeshift tent.

Then, other healthy passengers will be handled surveillance team. This team also provides a brief extension to the crew and passengers of cholera and the steps undertaken when experiencing early symptoms leads to the disease of cholera during the incubation period, ie 3-5 days.

Ship passenger luggage and then took over the team assigned to conduct sanitation disinfection of passengers, goods, and ships to avoid the risk of transmission. After a quick action team in coordination with the hospital agreed, the evacuation was carried out from isolation to the hospital tent to use the evacuation ambulance infectious diseases.

After that, the team returned to the tent of insulation to be done well APD disinfection disinfection ambulance. After all the procedures for handling infectious diseases at the port is completed, the status of quarantine in Singapore's international ships were revoked. So is the status of the port and the situation returned to normal. A similar procedure carried out against the pandemic threat of other infectious diseases.


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