Men are always Lack of Sleep Can Affect manhood

Compared to women, said men were more often experience sleep deprivation. Do not underestimate the problem of lack of sleep is because men are always not able to make the sex hormone testosterone is reduced which would affect his sexual performance.

Even for a lack of sleep that occurs only temporarily, the effect is quite dramatic decline in testosterone levels. A new study shows lack of sleep that occurs during a week can lower testosterone levels up to 15 percent in a group of young men are healthy.

"Low testosterone levels can have a negative impact on the health of men in various ways, including influencing sexual behavior," the researchers said as quoted by WebMD, Tuesday (13/12/2011).

Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group. Testosterone is the main sex hormone men and anabolic steroids. In men, testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as testis and prostate as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics like increased muscle mass, bone mass, and growth of hair on the body. In addition, testosterone is essential for the health and welfare, as well as prevention of osteoporosis.

Decrease in testosterone levels in men with normal start to happen when he turned around more than 40 years. Decrease in testosterone levels in men when it began the age of 40 years is about 1-2 percent per year. The quality and quantity of sleep does affect testosterone levels in men.

In this study researchers compared the levels of testosterone in groups of 10 healthy young men after a week of normal sleep time and sleep-deprived week. The results of these studies have been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

In the first week, the study participants, sleep for 8 hours every night at home. Then the participants in the study has 3 nights of sleep for 10 hours and 8 pm to bedtime for 5 hours in the laboratory.

Results showed that testosterone levels decreased by 10 -15 percent after a week of sleep deprivation compared with study participants who had adequate sleep. Decrease in testosterone levels are also associated with loss of morale among the participants.

Numerous other studies also explain that, there is a relationship between decline in cognitive function with low testosterone levels in men.

"About 15 percent of adult workers in the United States get time to sleep for 5 hours or less per night. The results of this study indicate that a prolonged lack of sleep can have negative consequences on the levels of testosterone and welfare of man," the researchers said.

In general, androgens increase protein synthesis and growth of tissues with androgen receptors. Effects of testosterone divided menjadi2, among others:

Very low testosterone levels or testosterone deficiency can be associated with several conditions, among others:
1. Low energy
2. Decrease in libido
3. Poor concentration
4. Fatigue


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